Well-sourced Canada Bureau Chief Robert Gillies put AP out front as the first international news organization to report the death of the second suspect in Canada’s deadly stabbing rampage in and around a Saskacthewan Indigenous reserve. Within minutes of the first report of the suspect’s arrest, Gillies heard from a source that the man had died in police custody of a self-inflicted wound.

A Canadian news outlet tweeted the news about a minute before AP’s alert, but Gillies was ahead of major Canadian news organizations. Many outlets cited AP, and even The Canadian Press reached out to ask who AP’s source was, as journalists scrambled to confirm the highly competitive story. Many had to wait for a news conference later by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who didn’t offer detail, only announcing an investigation to determine the cause of death.

New York’s Robert Bumsted contributed visuals — supplemented by photos from CP — as well as additional reporting from Saskatchewan.